Refund requests must be made via email to the Training Coordinator at [email protected] and must fit within the guidelines below:

  • For full refund, registrants must cancel at least 72 hours before the course.
  • Cancellations received within 48 hours of the course date will not receive a cash refund. Instead, a one-time class rescheduling can be made. A rescheduled course must occur within 4 months from original course date. All course fees are forfeited by the registrant if a replacement course has not been attended within the 4-month period.

Phone calls or voicemail messages are not accepted as a means to request a refund.

Cancellation and refund requests received via email after the class date/start time forfeit the class cost and are not eligible for refund or reschedule. 

Rescheduled courses are not eligible for a refund.

Failure to attend the course, or cancellations less than 24 hours in advance, will result in no refund, credit of the course fee, or rescheduling.


Reschedule requests must be made via email to the Training Coordinator at [email protected] with the following information:

  • Attach the original email confirmation for the course (NOT THE CLASS REMINDER) that requires reschedule, AND
  • The date and time of your requested reschedule.
  • If you purchased the class in store and not online, you will not have a confirmation email and you will need to provide a class date/time chosen from those listed on our website for your specific class.

Courses can only be rescheduled one-time and must occur within a 4-month period from the original course date, and are non-refundable.

Phone calls or voicemail messages are not accepted as a means to request a reschedule.

Reschedule requests received via email after the class date/start time forfeit the class cost and are not eligible for refund or reschedule.

Attendee substitutions may be made at any time.


To cancel your course, please contact the Training Coordinator at [email protected] and attach the original email confirmation for the course you wish to cancel. If you purchased the class in store and not online, you will not have a confirmation email and still need to send an email requesting a class cancellation.


Courses that have been rescheduled can be cancelled, but are not eligible for refunds or rescheduling.

Saddle River Range reserves the right to cancel or reschedule classes at any time.

IF we cancel or reschedule a class due to weather or circumstances beyond our control, you are entitled to a full refund.

IF Saddle River Range cancels a class in which you are enrolled, you will be contacted at the email address you used to register.

Please be sure to provide a valid email address and check your email before class.