
Holiday Gift Ideas For Everyone

Holiday Gift Ideas For Everyone

Holiday Gift Ideas For Everyone December, 2019 By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch We are doing something different this month; we are compiling the December blog so you firearm and bow enthusiast can share it with friends and family members as a hint for holiday gift...

Could You Pull the Trigger?

Could You Pull the Trigger?

Could You Pull the Trigger? November, 2019                                                                  By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch We’ve focused the last two months on deadly force.  We’ve reviewed lethal and non-lethal force as an action to protect ourselves...

Responding with Less Than Deadly Force

Responding with Less Than Deadly Force

Responding with Less Than Deadly Force October, 2019                                                                       By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   Last month’s article was on responding to an incident with deadly force.  But; deadly force is not always a...

Responding With Deadly Force

Responding With Deadly Force

Responding With Deadly Force September, 2019 By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch This past month, an individual with a license to carry a concealed firearm was convicted of murder. As gun owners in general and License To Carry holders specifically; how does the incident at...



By Thom Bolsch and Ron Mullins A little over a year ago, we wrote on the subject that if we are witness to an event; we are effectivelythe first person with the ability to respond to the event.We pointed out lives can be saved as a result of the actions of the “first...

The One Percent Club

The One Percent Club

By Thom Bolsch and Ron Mullins Everyone wants to believe they belong to a unique club, “The One Percent Club”.   Name the club, the remaining ninety-nine percent aren’t members.  They don’t have the same mind set or goals. Today we are talking about firearms owners. ...

Crime and The Shrinking World

Crime and The Shrinking World

Crime and The Shrinking World By Thom Bolsch and Ron Mullins As we roll into June 2019, it was announced that the world population count just hit seven point seven billion people.  Over 320 million of them live in the United States. Keep these numbers in mind as you...

Ride Sharing Safety

Ride Sharing Safety

Ride Sharing Safety By Thom Bolsch and Ron Mullins It is a tragedy that has been on broadcast news and social media for weeks.  A young woman coordinates a ride share, but instead of getting into the ride share vehicle, she gets into the car of the man that will...

Violence and Self-Defense

Violence and Self-Defense

Violence and Self-Defense By Thom Bolsch and Ron Mullins There has always been, and there always will be violence in the world; and we’re not referring to “The Animal Kingdom”. In nature, violence is a means to order, food and territorial protection.  For humans,...

Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart

By Thom Bolsch and Ron Mullins   February is the American Heart Association’s Heart Awareness Month.  Friday, February 1st was Go Red for Women Day when women, and men, wear red clothes to bring awareness to heart disease in women.  Still to this day the number...
