
The Legacy Collection

The Legacy Collection

The Legacy Collection By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   We are dedicating this article to all you firearm enthusiasts and gun collectors.  If you’re not one yet; we hope this article will encourage you to enter a world of hunting advocates and gun collectors....

Abolish the Police?

Abolish the Police?

Abolish the Police? By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   A few years back, we wrote about the layering of personal security.  Those layers begin with our own attitude and actions, progress through community programs and then expand with professional security...



Target-Women By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   The world is not a bad place, but there are bad people in the world.   This month we are going to discuss predators that target women.  Ladies; regardless of age, ethnicity, social standing or any other factor;...

Out of Nowhere

Out of Nowhere

Out of Nowhere By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   One yard.  Three feet.  In a time when social distancing is six feet; most people focus on only half that distance.  A lot of people wander about their day with their head down, staring at the phone in their hands. ...

Gun Trusts

Gun Trusts

Gun Trust By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   Welcome back.  We have gotten through some interesting times.  And a number of you have joined the club as first time gun owners.  Glad you joined us. Thinking about gun ownership; we should take a few moments to talk...

Welcome New Gun Owners, and Current Gun Owners

Welcome New Gun Owners, and Current Gun Owners

Welcome New Gun Owners, and Current Gun Owners By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   It is the month of May.  We are now looking back on six weeks or more in a remote worksite situation; sometimes referred to as “house arrest”! This COVID19 pandemic has created a...

Buying a Suppressor for Your Firearm

Buying a Suppressor for Your Firearm

Buying a Noise Suppression for Your Firearm By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   The rapid burning of gun powder in a bullet casing, and the acceleration of the bullet beyond the speed of sound results in an explosion from the barrel of a firearm.  The measure of...

Keep Your Guns Secure!

Keep Your Guns Secure!

Keep Your Guns Secure!  Second Amendment of the Constitution By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   There is a crime trend in the greater Houston area that is directly targeting you. In Texas, we are proud of our gun ownership and want everyone to know that we support...

The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment  Second Amendment Sanctuary Zone By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   A Well Regulated Militia, Being Necessary to the Security of a Free State, the Right of The People to Keep and Bear Arms, Shall Not Be Infringed.            ...

A Good Guy With A Gun

A Good Guy With A Gun

A Good Guy With A Gun  Citizen Responders By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch If you are an aficionado of Science-Fantasy, you know that in those stories and shows, houses of worship are sacred.   The evil combatants respect a house of worship and no combat is conducted...
