
Responding to Violence

Responding to Violence

Responding to Violence By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch The definition of violence is: behavior involving physical force to hurt, damage or kill someone or something.  A lesser version of this includes verbal and physical acts to force submission.  In today’s...

Concealed Carry –  The Caliber Question

Concealed Carry – The Caliber Question

Concealed Carry - The Caliber Question By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch Do you carry a firearm?  Are you considering carrying a firearm? If either apply to you, continue reading. Which firearm is the best?  If you asked this question at a gun store or shooting range;...

Where Do All The Guns Go?

Where Do All The Guns Go?

Where Do All The Guns Go? By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch Can a document from the world of money protect the firearms you own? Many people with financial assets, or special situations, will draft a legal instrument to hold their money.  A trust can be referred to as an...

The Foundation of Personal Security

The Foundation of Personal Security

Foundation of Personal Security By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch Happy New Year.    While we are tossing out this year’s calendar and putting up a new calendar on the refrigerator; take a minute to reflect on the stories of the past year.  On every station, on...

Unacceptable Social Behavior

Unacceptable Social Behavior

Unacceptable Social Behavior Jugging:  An Escalating Trend in Crime By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch Jugging has been around for a while; a story on the subject was presented on the nightly news in the early 2000s. A car slipped in beside another at the service station...

Citizen Responder

Citizen Responder

Citizen Responder By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch Individuals come together for a common goal – survival; the foundation of civilization and society.  But also a key element to our individual and community security. While individuality is important; it’s the...

Freedom and Independence

Freedom and Independence

Freedom and Independence By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch Last month we recognized the loss of lives and reflected on what the last twenty years has meant. Let’s expand this thought to two hundred and fifty years ago and the lives lost in the initial fight for our...

Sacrifices, Service and Spirit

Sacrifices, Service and Spirit

Sacrifices, Service and Sprit By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch There is an intangible thread woven into the fabric of the American Spirit.  That thread is Freedom; Freedom of Self-Direction and Freedom of Independence. When that fabric was woven over two hundred year...

Pulled Over, and Armed

Pulled Over, and Armed

Pulled Over, and Armed By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   Constitutional Carry is now the law of Texas and goes into effect September 1st.  That’s only a month away. As a result, we thought we’d review some common sense actions for those carrying a firearm;...

Constitutional Carry in Texas

Constitutional Carry in Texas

Pulled Over, and Armed By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch   As of this writing, twenty states offer permitless, or constitutional carry of a firearm.  Texas will soon be the twenty-first state to allow permitless carry of a firearm. Last month, the Texas Assembly...
